Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry
Day 3: Overnights
Let's be honest. When I first started this challenge, I was SURE that we would need some serious overnight help. I was determined to use just flats, though, so the first night I put two padfolded flats into her cover and put her in her wool longies, expecting a mess to clean up in the morning. Ms. K is 16 months old but on the small end for her age, but I really thought she was a pretty heavy wetter at night. When she woke up in the morning, she wanted to eat instead of a change. I'm a pretty easy going mom, so I let her, but I didn't want to push things too far so made her get a change after that. I was surprised! She had wet the first flat, but the second was only barely touched. Although it was certainly time to be changed, the first wasn't even completely soaked. I was amazed. I didn't realize just how absorbent these flats could be. So then I thought, "Well, maybe today was a fluke. Tomorrow it'll be heavier." The second night I put her in one t-shirt flat using the "t-shirt fold." I expected this would get soaked through. Nope! To my surprise, she woke up with a normal wet and the shirt wasn't fully soaked. Maybe if she were older and a heavier wetter, I might need 2 but I would be surprised if she needed 3, even as an older toddler.
I just can't get over how doable this is. I wash the diapers twice a day in a bucket in my bath tub. It takes me ten minutes, tops. They dry on the line or hanging in my house. They're wonderful, soft, and absorbent.
And look how cute! I made this diaper from an Angry Birds shirt. It matches her face at this moment. She was not thrilled with being a model, much less being out of my arms!
Many people have great success using a Snappi and no cover when at home, but as you can see here, my little escape artist is far too interested in this thing within her reach. Within seconds of this picture, she was crawling away from the diaper.
What about you? What have you tried for overnights? Have you tried flats? If not, why not?
Day 1: Why I took the Challenge
Day 2: How did I prepare?
Day 4: How am I doing with hand washing?
Day 5: What's working? What's not?
Day 6: Babysitter/Outings
Day 7: What did I learn?
My 11 month old ripped off his snappy on our first attempt to go coverless too... lol Good luck with the rest of the challenge!